When Jesus was born, the angels proclaimed, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace
among those whom he favors!” (Luke
2:14 NRSV).
We are at the end of another disturbing year
for this world. The news is full of wars, hate, bigotry, prejudice, abuse,
killing, lying, lust, greed, envy, pride, . . .; The list could go on.
As an adult, Jesus taught, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not
give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not
be afraid.” (John 14:27)
Jesus’ peace is needed more than ever. We wish
you the peace, grace and love of God this Christmas season and throughout the
New Year.
David continues working at Brian’s House Enterprises. He is capable of simple tasks such as sorting
hardware and punch cards; these give him a sense of purpose and work place
involvement. Earlier this year David was among the protestors at a rally in
Harrisburg when the State of Pennsylvania was seeking major changes that would
have essentially shut down vocational training centers like Brian’s House. Fortunately,
the law was corrected.
The Book Family Farm
continues to patiently work with David as he learns to care for horses, ride
and enjoy animals. His niece, Hannah, is constantly there to encourage him. His
sister, Bethany also helps. David
enjoyed two weeks of vacation at Jaycee Camp in Effort, PA again this year. We
are thankful for his caring counselors, Zac and Paige.
Francesca (aka Missy) returned
to Bridge of Hope Lancaster & Chester Counties in April as Interim Executive Director. The
organization is going through major changes that resulted in uniting with Good
Samaritan Shelter to form a new group, Bridge of Hope @ Good Samaritan Services.
She continues finalizing details and will continue through March. She works as
an Adjunct Professor at Eastern University as needed in the areas of Nonprofit and International Leadership
Development. She completed her term as President of Coatesville
Rotary Club in June and continues
serving on the executive committee of the Chester County Advisory Board for
Mental Health/Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities.
Steve continues in ministry as
chaplain at Norristown State Hospital. It is a challenge and a joy to minister to the
patients in this forensic psychiatric setting. At The end of February he
completed his interim pastoral ministry at GraceCrossing
Community Church in Phoenixville. It
is nice to sit among the congregation at Ridgeview
Mennonite Church on Sundays when he
is not in Norristown. In December he will begin serving an 8 month interim as
conference minister of the Atlantic Coast Conference of the Mennonite Church USA. He will serve
six churches in New York City. Recently, Steve was accepted to serve on the
West Brandywine Township Zoning Hearing Board. He completed a term on the Board
of Directors for Tel Hai Retirement community, but continues to help with the
Tel Hai Ukulele Band. He also joins Walt Kinsey for music programs at local
institutions as he is able.
We continue to enjoy our new home. We had the
kitchen remodeled in the Spring. Thanks go to Kyle King, Building Contractor
for his work. Steve enjoys the additional yard work and flower beds. We were
happy to be able to make a few visits to Steph and Ben and our 3 creative granddaughters,
Morgan, Maya and Mercy, in Evanston, IL. They joined us in July along with
Bethany and Steve, and Daniel and Hannah at our Pocono mountain cottage. We
held “cousin camp” with a lot of fun and activities.
The God of peace be with you all. Amen.
(Romans 15:33)
We are thankful for your friendship, letters
and caring.
& Francesca
and David